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Tuesday, May 01, 2007


What a weekend!

My god, Saturday was fucking beautiful. I washed my car, broken fog lamps and all, it looked stunning sitting there all shiny like new. I started running, with my shirt off! Thanks to my mediterranean skin I am already brown as a bean and am rocking the shorts and T-shirt to my delight. I do sit-ups twice a day and run everyday. I was using the local school's track until they ran me off yesterday saying it is a closed campus. I went directly to the principal's office and asked why I couldn't use the track since it was going unused and I lived across the street and pay taxes afterall. The principal explained that we are living in a time of heightened campus security so I asked her how on earth I could possibly pose a threat to campus security. She sighed and offered me a form giving the school permission to do a background check which, upon passing, will allow me to be considered a "volunteer" at the school which will allow me to use their track. I filled it out and was told it will take 3 school days to process.

I'm looking forward to using their track, it's nice!

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