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Thursday, April 12, 2007


Vivid dreams within Sobriety

I've learned why I'm having such vivid dreams and it is because I am clean and sober.

Here's a dream I had night before last. It was vivid as hell and lasted a pretty long time.

I was a prisoner in N. Korea. We were at a large cobble stoned palace I guess. It kind of reminded me of the Mayan temples but the ground was cobble stoned. And there was a reunion going on. And all this food was being served. As it turned out, I had somehow broken a rule and violated N. Korean space and was therefore to be held, as prisoner, for 2 years. My time there was just starting but there was a group from an island nation who had already served their 2 years and were back for a reunion which explained the food and strange group of islanders with a festive attitude in the middle of this nightmare. I was taken by a little chubby woman dressed in khaki military regalia who looked like Kim John-Il except she was a woman to a room for special food treats and other oddities of a non-sexual nature. She ran in front of me as she led me, she was so excited. It was a strange oxymoron of being a prisoner there because they were almost glad to have me though I was being held against my will. I think I met Kim Jong-Il towards the end of the dream and he was a real normal dude. One of those asian men who watched a lot of John Wayne movies, ya know?

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