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Wednesday, April 18, 2007


BB's & Bush!

Well I walked out to my car just a little while ago and whadaya know, someone took BB's to my foglamps. Ain't that a bitch?! I'm a real popular guy, eh? I'm awaiting a call from the dealership to replace them. Wonder how much that'll cost. I have this feeling that it is retribution for massive text messaging fees accrued by Stefanie the clown. Her family lives in my neck of the woods and she has a brother who is undoubtedly at her beckon call. Just a theory; I'd hate to be accused of being a schizophrenic so I will simply replace them and hope it doesn't happen again. Perhaps it is the HUGE stuffed penguin I have seatbelted into my passenger's seat that has drawn the unwelcome vehicular assault, who knows???

In other news, I saw Laura and George talking to Katie Couric last night about the Virginia Tech massacre. Laura looked like an anamatronics robot from the hall of presidents. I was instantly convinced that 'they' have put microchips in the president and first lady's head to make them smarter. I could envision Laura looking perplexed and talking to a confidant and saying "they give us strange dreams..."

You know there's all kinds of crazy technology out there that we're not being told about. Chips in the head seems reasonable. That they could make a person smarter is an interesting assumption. And to imagine that they give poor Laura strange dreams is fascinating. I wonder when we'll all get the superchip. I wonder if I'll be the first or last in line.

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