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Tuesday, July 12, 2005


Where's my inspiration?

I'm fearful that my blog has become less than it once was. It's now nothing more than a diary it seems. Living in adverse conditions in S. Korea gave me inspiration no matter how unwelcome it was. I'm afraid the high of leaving that country unannounced has worn off. Now I'm just babbling...or so I fear. The safety and security that my homeland offers me is like a sedative. My days are pretty much all the same. I'm sure things will pick up soon enough; once I find a job and a woman. The highlights of my days are the simple creature comforts most of us take for granted such as a good meal and a comfy bed. I appreciate my friends who still stop by and give my site a look-sy. I hope to provide you all with more quality content in the coming months. Please bear with me. Thank you!

No, the photos of the riverboat were taken by Heavenly Perspective Photography. I believe the guy lives in or around Nashville.
p.s. you may need two jobs if your looking for a woman. I'm sending you some photos, e-mail, right up your alley.
Please continue to babble on! Always reading, yo!
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