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Saturday, July 23, 2005


What go around come around!

We reap what we sew do we not? Talk shit and eventually it'll come back and hit you in the face. Burn somebody and you'll get burned. Believe me! Karma is real. Thieves get robbed all the time. These people who think they can beat the system are fooling themselves. They stand in front of the mirror and practice their lies over and over again until they actually believe themselves. It sickens me.

Be straight up for fuck's sake! Take some responsibility. Quit trying to get over on me. Your poker skills aren't going to get you through life. I sure as hell am not going to hang around and watch your two faced demon eat itself into oblivion. Take your bitch ass someplace else. Tell your lies to somebody else. Leave me alone!

You may not want this, but bein the good ol'boy I am I left you a link on your e-mail.....
not exactly sure what you mean, but, certainly what we give is what we end up getting...!
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