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Thursday, July 21, 2005


Summertime & Hotdogs

I love hotdogs, especially in the summertime. I like mine with plenty of mayonaise and some spicy mustard; don't forget a strip of processed cheese. Sure, I know some people get crazy with their condiments from chili to mountains of relish but I like a clean experience. I don't want to get my clothes or my surroundings dirty afterall! My mom's a vegetarian so when I eat hotdogs at her house they're the veggie variety. I was raised on 'em so I think they're good. When she runs out I eat my step-dad's 'real' hotdogs which are also very tasty. I think I could eat a bunch of hotdogs in a row if given the chance. I saw a contest on TV in NYC I think and some little Japanese dude with dyed blonde hair won the contest. I couldn't believe it!! Some contestants including the winner used a ruinous technique in which they dipped their hotdog in water. EWWWW!!! I guess it makes it easier to swallow but it must ruin the white bread goodness of the hotdog bun. I'm hungry...

I don't know about clean dogs, I just fixed me a big grilled dog rolled in cheese, laid in a huge fresh bun with a base of ketchup, then open face topped with chili, chopped Valdosta onions and swirled with mustard and a little dab of salt & cracked pepper. mmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!
That hotdog does sound mighty tasty; just call me a simpleton. Anyways, I wanted to ask you if you've looked into "Blogshares", here's their website:
It sounds like a popularity contest that might lead to a blog becoming overwhelmed with countless links to other blogs all in the name of being popular. None the less it might help our blogs get recognized by more readers.
Finally, I'm sorry to say that for whatever reason my computer is having problems viewing your blog. I have a mac and that may be why. It pulses visible/invisible after the page is done loading and I have a feeling it's that wonderful butterfly you have flying around the page. I expect you to change nothing; but I wanted to make you aware.
Thanks for linking to me; I really appreciate it! I will continue to link to you.
I don't know if you've noticed, but I'm running a new template and it wont take the butterfly, a clock or much of anything. Have you not noticed? Changed three days ago. Is it still doing it?? Get back with with me.....
damn! now if I don't have a hot dog in the next 12 minutes I'm going to spontaneously combust!!

thanks a lot... both of you!!
I could go for a good ol' hotdog now too! But, I'll be eating the naked wiener with chopsticks... Why don't the Japanese sell hotdog or hamburger buns?
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