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Monday, July 04, 2005


Still, like a stone

The baby deer lay perched on the verge of sheer abandon, fearing the worst. As it's big black eyes surveyed the surrounding brush there was no sign of its momma. Wondering where she'd gone the baby deer lay still, like a stone. It wondered if that was all there was to life. It was pretty easy if you think about it. Just stay still and hide and chances are good you'll go unharmed. Free from the danger of grazing in the open pasture or attacks by wild bears and cats. Suckling momma's tit and being very still would be all this youngest member of the woods would ever know if an asteroid should enter the atmosphere and land where the baby deer had been so vigilantly silent. Only a crater and cosmic debris would remain. When momma returns, if she ever will, all she'll find is a hole where her baby once waited ever so patiently to see and smell the only creature it had ever known. So still the baby deer waits, watching, like a stone.

Hay man!! That's some heavy shit!
I ditto rodger. In fact, what the hell... I DOUBLE ditto him.
Nice one!
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