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Wednesday, July 06, 2005


"He's one of those people"

It bugs me when people put me in a box and say "He's one of those people who..." Granted sometimes it's a compliment but even then it makes me do a double take. It indicates a sense of presumption or dare I say patronization. To think someone knows you well enough to categorize you. Hell, as I write this I wonder if that's why I don't have many friends. I can only think of one person or maybe two who I'd like or at least not mind if they categorized me.

Have any of you ever heard that it takes X number of compliments to undo 1 insult? I was in elementary school and somebody said actual numbers but I can't recall what they were. My friend just told me you can never undo an insult no matter how many compliments one might receive. That's depressing. It seems like whenever somebody mentions that phrase ("He's one of those people...") it's an insult. Maybe that's just when people are talking about me though.

Would it be bad and presumptuous to categorize a person who often categorizes others and call them "One of those people who always talks about others as being one of those people who.."?
uhh.. OK, that may not have made any sense. It was just the first thing that popped in to my head after reading your post.
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