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Saturday, July 23, 2005


Back in tha day...

I remember something we used to do way back in the 7th grade. I wonder if anybody else has ever tried this or can offer a medical explanation of what exactly we were doing to ourselves. What we'd do was crouch down and put our head inbetween our legs and hyperventilate. We'd take a certain number of very deep breaths, something like 20 or so. On the 20th inhale we'd stand up and hold our breath, chest puffed out like a bird strutting his stuff. Standing behind us would be a friend of our choosing who would wrap his arms around our chest and with his hands grasping one another he would deliver a pressure blow to the solar-plexis (the sunken part in the middle of your chest) something like a bear hug from behind. The result was passing the fuck out for anywhere from a couple seconds to maybe 30 seconds. The friend who'd delivered the 'hug' would hold you as your body went limp and gently let your body fall to the ground. Some people reported that they had visions during their time on the ground with their eyes jittering under closed eye lids. It became so popular amongst the 7th and 8th graders that finally the principal was summoned to announce that such activity would be forbidden from that moment on.

We'd do it everywhere. It was like we were little aspiring junkies! I remember doing it in the bathroom and helping others do likewise as if recess didn't offer enough time to do this to ourselves. What the hell were we doing?! Does anybody know???

essential human desire to achieve ecstasy, maybe?? I remember glue and sugar-snorting, vegetable and spice-smoking and lots of spinning...
first of all what the hell school did you go to that you had recess in 7th & 8th grade? hehehe I wish I went there!!

as for the little pass out game... all my friends were into that and I just stood there shaking my head at them, for some reason cutting off oxygen to my brain to the point of passing out just didn't seem like fun. I preferred pills to make me feel 'good' at least I (usually) stayed conscious enough to enjoy it! hehehe
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