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Wednesday, June 29, 2005



Groups of people make me unhappy. I don't mean being in a group and feeling claustrophobic. I also don't mean being part of a group as in a member; that feels great. What I'm talking about is seeing groups of people from their outside. It's a us vs. them (him) kinda thing. Groups obviously look out for their own do they not? Afterall, what were all those fights on the playgroud about shouting words like "My dad could kick your dad's ass!!" Families are groups aren't they? Am I saying I have a problem with families now?! Maybe I am; depending on which family we're talking about! Whether it's a family, a religious group, a race or an age group I think groups stink most of the time. In order to get any group of people to call themselves a group they must all have something in common. I find that this common bond all too often serves to mitigate the individual while naturally it draws everyone else together. Group psychology is a whole study unto itself which I do not have a degree in so I might end this rant soon. The point is that teams and what have you are vessels of special interests that are bigger than any individual along for the ride. As a result, I don't like to play on a team unless we are the undefeated champion AND I love every member of my team as a brother or sister. Unfortunately, these conditions I have for the ideal team are rarely met. As a result I find myself isolated and alone much of the time. Not because I want to be alone but because I can't find a team.

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