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Monday, May 30, 2005


The Truth about Lying

It seems that if you lie you're gonna have to lie again. "What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive." I've got a friend who lies for the hell of it. She thinks it makes her more interesting. In my experience honesty is almost always the best policy. I think that since I left home and went away to college I've made friends with a lot of pathological liars. I wonder why that is. Are there just a bunch of these people running around on college campuses?! Do I attract these kinds of people?!

Unfortunately it's led to my general level of suspicion being higher than perhaps it should be. My dad's wife has recently gotten a job selling RV's and campers. She works 6 days a week in an office with men her age and younger. My dad met her through work a number of years ago. My dad's health is starting to fail so the last time I talked to him I asked if he ever wondered if his wife might be looking into some other options around the office if he should up and die. He was a little bit pissed at the implication and proceeded to tell me that his brain doesn't work like that.

Did I overstep my bounds by implying that his wife might be thinking about her future? On one hand it's a great idea to be skeptical and doubting to try and save yourself from being fooled. On the other hand it must be nice to just have blind faith.

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