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Friday, May 27, 2005


Secrets as they pertain to fame or the lack thereof

Today I articulated something for myself that I'd like to share with ya'll. Here it goes.

It seems to me, at least at this stage in the game and all those that have followed, that in normal everyday life for 'common' folks with 'common' jobs and lives there's probably a lot of secret keepin'. And for good reason I'm very sure! For instance, it might not serve a household's interest to divulge to their neighborhood that they voted for Kerry in the last election or depending on what state you live in (Red or Blue) the opposite scenario may be true for you. Another example might be something like your daughter being a lesbian (I guess the Bush administration is on my mind).

Anyways, on the flip side of reality...that realm that superstars and high ranking politicians inhabit is quite different now isn't it? It seems like if you achieve a certain level of notoriety that those things you may have once guarded or perhaps merely should've cease to matter. Granted, perhaps Michael Jackson would've liked to keep his fondness for sick touching of little boys a secret regardless of fame. None the less, publishers of the smut you see while you're paying for your groceries make lots of greenbacks because 'we' like to read about famous peoples' secrets. It undoubtedly adds to their fame! Therefore the equation might look something like this:

(secrets) + (silence) = x
(fame) - (secrets) = y
x < y


I guess it matters whether x and y equal levels of greatness or importance or do they equal the volume of each in the world. If it is the latter than certainly the 'greater than' symbol would do a flip and become a 'less than' sign...right!?

Anyways...Have a great weekend everybody!!!!

Hay Man! I'd get us both killed with a side car, last D.W.I. I had was about three years ago on the bike,(damn fee grabbers!) However I've got a big Ol'e white Caddy sit'n out here, we'll just find some young ladies to haul us around!!
WOW!! Thanks for the great review. Talking about boasting your ego, sure made my day.
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