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Thursday, May 12, 2005


How many lifetimes have you lived?

It might sound pompous to some but I'm genuinely curious how many lifetimes you've experienced. And no, I am not talking about reincarnation. How many times have you changed where you live? How many times have you started thinking about things differently than before? How many times have you fallen in love? How many times have you been reborn?
The term "reborn" makes me think about Christians who've dedicated their life to Jesus. That counts as a new lifetime in my book. But there are many other ways to start a new lifetime. It seems to me that a divorce might mark the end of one life and the start of a new one. Perhaps having kids is also like this. I think that people who make themselves available to travel for extended periods of time are tapping into the multiple lifetimes theory big time. Especially if you travel alone or with people you didn't know before. I'm afraid having someone die might mark the end of a lifetime not only for the deceased but for you too.
There's a sense of pride I have thinking back on the lifetimes I've both endured and enjoyed. Those I had to endure toughened me up though sometimes they never seemed to end. Those I enjoyed sometimes bring a tear to my eye. At my age I should be focused only on the 'bright' future that awaits but for some reason I'm more retrospective and sentimental than most.
I think it's important to respect people regardless of how many lifetimes they've lived. Whether it's an old maid in a small town in TX who's lived her entire life in the same house or some world-traveller type whose been married and divorced 3 times. These two ends of the spectrum as well as everyone inbetween all have something to offer. A piece of wisdom about life that might make you stop and think. Some insight that may help you on your way. Therefore I try to learn from everyone, regardless!

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