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Tuesday, April 19, 2005


You have NO idea!

This experience teaching respectless children and working for even less respectful management may help me in my future career as a stand up comic. I'm not joking! The rejection an aspiring comic must face at least once in their career will be no worse than my daily trudge here in S. Korea.
The shameless name calling in their monkey tongue knows no bounds. Their thievery of anything and everything is remarkable. Their more than annoying proclamations that they desire attention at that precise moment regardless of whatever else I am doing are never ending and repeated as many times as necessary. A student who has spent the class goofing off and insulting you any way he knows how can all of a sudden look at you with the innocence of an angel and DEMAND your help. Since I work at a private institution and am therefore in the business of consumer education, there is no choice in the eyes of my employers or the children's paying parents than to strive endlessly to meet every rotten kid's needs with only the utmost kindness, care and attention.
On a personal reflection note: I wonder how many of the kudos I received at the private schools I attended came from an obligation set forth by the management instead of them being true and sincere accolades for a job well done. I guess I will never know...

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