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Friday, April 01, 2005


Goodnite Stranger

So many good-byes lately. Life just keeps on changing. The headlines have alerted me that Schiavo, Cochran, and soon the Pope will have all bit the dust. In local news the owner of the business I work for has taken a job as an engineer making stuff like motors or something. I am the only remaining male in my workplace. I'm a dying breed. Or perhaps it's true that education is a woman's domain. The history of Korea leaves nothing to the imagination as far as their need to maintain fascist dictatorships. It's a proven fact that when you take a person or people who have historically been shit on and give them some power that they shit on anybody they can get to stand close enough to their asshole. I remember hearing a story from a Guatemalan back in the states who told me about the difference between gringo border patrol guys and Hispanic border control guys. Essentially, the Hispanic guys were the roughest toughest and most abusive border guys. They don't hesitate beating an illegal or a questionable illegal for that matter within inches of their life. I've seen the same theme played out on the silver screen in depictions of the LAPD. A rap lyric comes to mind from our beloved Ice Cube: " cop showin' off for the white cop..." Koreans were brutally suppressed by the Japanese for over 50 years; RECENTLY! Then they got caught in a shit storm with the communists and the capitalists at the wheels. Whose drivin' this goddamn country they must've said; certainly not us! Finally, the free South has aggressively pursued international trade and with the success of companies like Samsung South Korea has become the twelfth largest economy in the world. Pretty unbelievable considering where they were the year I was born: 1978. These motherfuckers are the most controlling, domineering group of fascists I've ever been subject to. I've had some crazy bosses with serious Napoleon complexes but this one takes the cake. Such societal insecurity from a not-so-distant past makes life as a Western male pretty tough. I think that in addition to South Korea's history of oppression the mere philosophy of Eastern society makes life as a Westerner a bit difficult. That's why there's a distinction between Westerners and Easterners I suppose. As I type this I wonder if I should save more for later or just go ahead and give you the full synopsis. I've decided to save some for later. Best wishes! And I mean it when I say "may all those who have died rest in peace."

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