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Monday, April 18, 2005


Elitist Swine!

I guess they're everywhere. People who think they've got a leg up on things and probably they really do. I'm in a country where group identity is stressed and individuals are punished. It's funny; they've got a flag, a military and borders protecting this safe-haven of Korean bigotry and pride. People from elsewhere are charged more at the door oh and that drink'll be twice as much too. Their notions of honor for those older than themselves stop at the border. If you're from "out there" then forget about being that recipient of common courtesy much less appreciation or respect. Expect the tiniest flaws to be pointed out to you relentlessly. I think that life in Korea strengthens a person but some people don't need anymore strengthening. Life has already dealt them enough blows to make their shields all too thick sometimes. All we get is currency in return. I guess we're kind of like prostitutes. We get paid to help these kids feel better about themselves; to help Koreans in general get a chance to poke fun at the mightiest country in the world, the USA. We have 30,000 troops here you know. I'm sure that over time they've done their part in hurting AND helping our image here. Koreans are incredibly competitive. I think they must really enjoy having an American to pick on knowing I'll never understand what they're saying since no one wants to help me learn to speak Korean. It's a guarded club they've got here. They import people like myself for a host of reasons and somewhere at the bottom of the list is to teach English to their kids. It helps to look at it from afar; not to mention a stiff drink if I do say so myself. Cheers!

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