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Saturday, March 26, 2005


Through the glass

Talking about what I want isn't an indicator of what or how hard I pursue it. I see women lookin' good but I hardly ever do anything but look. Can't catch fish without string and bait. I'm your aquarium type of guy. Satisfied to just look through the thick glass and just watch them swim around. I'm so used to the aquarium view that it seems almost foreign to me to go topside and try to catch them. And if I did catch one I wouldn't want to hurt it unless it was a real bastard and bit me or something. I've done some fishing and helped fillet the delicious meat for frying and boy was it good but it's so much easier to just look through the glass at the aquarium or better yet go to the local Captain D's and just buy the shit. I'm lazy. I guess I see it as an equation that is out of balance. On one side, you have the pros of having a hot ass female to keep you company and fulfill your desires. On the other side you have a lot of energy, money and time being taken away from you in order to be a good boyfriend or husband. I've had a serious relationship and I put everything I had into it. In the end all it did was leave me feeling bad and low. I reacted by learning how to be happy with and by myself; without being dependent on someone else for my own happiness. As a result of this survival technique I've slowly been perfecting for several years now, I make frequent trips to the aquarium. I like it there.

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