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Wednesday, March 16, 2005


That's life, get used to it!

"I love what I do!" she said. "If you don't love what you're doing why do it?" he said. "I've never kept doing anything I don't like," she said.
Excuse me but I think these people live in a fairy land full of pixies and buttercups. A land that only exists for a lucky few. I think most people live in shit at least up to their knees. Some people even drown sometimes. There's a certain pride for having lived in shit for some period of time. At least I think there is when looked at retrospectively. I think there's a certain undeniable strength that is gained and realized. Survivors of Nazi concentration camps know about this to use a severe example. In fact, their example is SO incredibly harsh that it makes our complaints about our daily trudge seem silly and naive. Indeed, there have been people who have endured far worse than most of us will ever know. I heard one speaking one time and he said the secret is to never give up 'hope'. I heard once that the last thing to pop out of Pandora's box was hope too. I don't have a wife and children to support and live for so I am truly living on hope I'd say. To hear or read the news. To see my species accomplish things once thought impossible. I shouldn't complain so much but I still do.

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