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Monday, March 21, 2005


Some people know how to say they're sorry.

Here's an apology and resolution I received a few months ago. It really made my day. I should read it every once in awhile to remind myself that there are people who exist that know how to apologize.

"I am truly sorry for making you feel the ways you have dwelled on. I
will be perfectly happy to refrain from any further advice, analysis, or
listing my grievances. I wish only the best for you."

The question I'm left with is which is better, a complete refrain or the occasional insult in the line of relationship duty? To completely refrain leaves a hole where once there was something but to accept information may lead to other pains. It's a tough question and I think that something I have in common with the dude I quoted in the last paragraph is that too many things are seen in black and white, all or nothin'. I flatter myself by thinking about all the grey in the world but sometimes I'm pretty black and white my damn self. Something to meditate on if you ask me.

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