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Tuesday, March 22, 2005


Loving every minute

It dawns on me that some people act poorly completely on purpose. It's kind of a defense mechanism for some. I think it helps them maintain distance in their relationships with others. I recently learned that hookers, professional prostitutes, undergo a psychological change as they grow used to the lifestyle a hooker endures. It has to do with disengaging levels of sentiment that are naturally present in most humans. Sociopaths share this detached approach to the world with hookers. Neither feel true binding emotions to other people. Basic needs dominate these peoples' lives. Hunger for food and other things. Fear from a pimp or cops. Real animals they are. I've watched a large number of those 'Animals do the darndest things' shows and something they always reiterate is to never trust an animal because they'll do some unpredictable damaging shit from time to time. That Las Vegas dude with the tigers can tell you all about that. I'm sure he and that tiger have shared space for a LONG time but one day BOOM the tiger snaps and there goes the trust he thought they'd built. You gotta be careful these days if you ask me. Might get your feelings hurt or something far worse...

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