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Friday, March 25, 2005


It shouldn't matter.

I reflect on my statements regarding my pursuit of women with large tits and it dawns on me that I must seem incredibly shallow to you, the reader. I'm fully aware that once you find that special someone that they're beautiful regardless of their imperfections or lack of cleavage. I wanted to go on the record to let it be known that I am aware of this fact. I'd also like to defend the use of four letter words. I think they add color to paintings I draw whenever I open my mouth or write something. I use big words too so this myth that only stupid people use foul language is just that: a myth. Some people don't know how to do it well or they do it at the wrong times but I am very skilled in how and when I use bad language. I've not always been so skilled but practice makes perfect! I've done a lot of traveling both at home and abroad. I've found that different parts of the United States respond differently to "dirty" words. I have to say that the south is without a doubt the most uptight about using colorful language. I think it has to do with a lot of them being Christians. They don't call it the bible belt for nothin'. If you happen to be the type who doesn't like four letter words I'd like to appeal to your better judgment and say that they're just some letters strung together just like any other word. Words only have power if you give them power. Some people are too sensitive in my opinion. Have a great weekend!

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